Our story.
Our story.
Our story.
Making a difference 1 game at a time.
With 1 in 4 Albertans being diagnosed with cancer and 1 in 2 passing away from their diagnosis, it seems that everyone has a cancer story. Brent Saik, President of Alberta Sports Vision Institute and organizer of the World’s Longest Games, is no different.
Brent’s relationship with the Cross Cancer Institute began in 1994 when he lost his father, Terry Saik, to cancer. One of Terry’s wishes was that Brent would carry on the Saik legacy of community support and continue raising funds for the Cross Cancer Institute. Brent made good on his promise and, in 1996, he began the annual Terry Saik Memorial Golf Tournament which raised nearly $35,000. But he didn’t stop there. He wanted to do something more, something bigger.
So, in 2003, Brent held the inaugural World’s Longest Hockey Game, which included 40 players playing 80 consecutive hours. This event raised $150,000 in support of a gene-analyzer which is now used in pediatric cancer research at the Cross Cancer Institute. But that still wasn’t enough for Brent. He wanted to do more. And, after losing his wife Susan to cancer shortly after the first World’s Longest Hockey Game, he knew what he had to.
With help from countless volunteers, donors, players and committee members, Brent has now organized seven World’s Longest Hockey Games and two World’s Longest Baseball Game, which have raised over $7.41 million for the Cross Cancer Institute in support of leading edge equipment and life-saving research.
Making a difference 1 game at a time.
With 1 in 4 Albertans being diagnosed with cancer and 1 in 2 passing away from their diagnosis, it seems that everyone has a cancer story. Brent Saik, owner of Alberta Sports Vision Institute and organizer of the World’s Longest Games, is no different.
Making a difference 1 game at a time.
With 1 in 4 Albertans being diagnosed with cancer and 1 in 2 passing away from their diagnosis, it seems that everyone has a cancer story. Brent Saik, owner of Alberta Sports Vision Institute and organizer of the World’s Longest Games, is no different.
Brent’s relationship with the Cross Cancer Institute began in 1994 when he lost his father, Terry Saik, to cancer. One of Terry’s wishes was that Brent would carry on the Saik legacy of community support and continue raising funds for the Cross Cancer Institute. Brent made good on his promise and, in 1996, he began the annual Terry Saik Memorial Golf Tournament which raised nearly $35,000. But he didn’t stop there. He wanted to do something more, something bigger.
So, in 2003, Brent held the inaugural World’s Longest Hockey Game, which included 40 players playing 80 consecutive hours. This event raised $150,000 in support of a gene-analyzer which is now used in pediatric cancer research at the Cross Cancer Institute. But that still wasn’t enough for Brent. He wanted to do more. And, after losing his wife Susan to cancer shortly after the first World’s Longest Hockey Game, he knew what he had to.
With help from countless volunteers, donors, players and committee members, Brent has now organized seven World’s Longest Hockey Games and two World’s Longest Baseball Game, which have raised over $7.41 million for the Cross Cancer Institute in support of leading edge equipment and life-saving research.
Breaking Records. Saving Lives.
Over $7.41 million raised for the Cross Cancer Institute in support of leading edge equipment and life-saving research.
And Brent still isn’t done!
Now, he is organizing the 7th World’s Longest Hockey Game in support of life-saving cancer research at the University of Alberta.
And Brent still isn’t done!
Now, he is organizing the 3rd World’s Longest Baseball Game in support of life-saving cancer research at the University of Alberta.
Our Brand.
We may have a new logo and a new name but our heart, dedication and passion for making a difference for cancer patients is all the same!
From 2003 to 2018, we focused our efforts on organizing the World’s Longest Hockey Game using this wonderful logo designed by one of Brent’s patients. This event was, and continues to be, a huge success but we couldn’t help but think, “Can we do more? What about doing something during the hockey off season?”

Brent’s love of baseball got him thinking and before we knew it, the World’s Longest Baseball Game was born and proved to be a great success in 2016.
Our Brand.
We may have a new logo and a new name but our heart, dedication and passion for making a difference for cancer patients is all the same!
From 2003 to 2018, we focused our efforts on organizing the World’s Longest Hockey Game using this wonderful logo designed by one of Brent’s patients. This event was, and continues to be, a huge success but we couldn’t help but think, “Can we do more? What about doing something during the hockey off season?”

Brent’s love of baseball got him thinking and before we knew it, the World’s Longest Baseball Game was born and proved to be a great success in 2016.
Then, as we geared up for the second World’s Longest Baseball Game, we couldn’t help but wonder… what other games could we play to make an even bigger impact for cancer patients? While we have yet to decide what the next “World’s Longest Game” will be, we know we want to go big. We have to. So, what better way to do so then to capture all of our events under one single and inclusive umbrella; The World’s Longest Game. To properly unveil this new and exciting era, we knew we needed a new brand. So, with the help of Partner, Knorth Creative, we were excited to reveal our brand-new logo in 2019! A logo that proudly showcases our Canadian roots and team-based spirit. We hope you like it as much as we do!
Dollars At Work.
Dr. John Mackey, Director of Clinical Trials at the Cross Cancer Institute, is leading a clinical research team to exploit the new cancer biology and drug discovered by University of Alberta Professor, Luc Berthiaume. This drug, called PCLX-001, shuts down the abnormal chemical signaling in many common cancers and triggers those cells to die, while sparing the normal, healthy cells. Current studies have shown that PCLX-001 works differently than other known cancer drugs and has high activity and positive results in breast, lung, bladder and pancreas cancers. But it doesn’t stop there. In fact, it is predicted to make the most significant difference - and potentially even a cure - in: Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas, Leukemias and other hematological cancers (blood cancers). And because this drug works in a different way from all other cancer drugs, it may be combined with other treatments to deliver even better outcomes. Now, thanks in part to the generosity of the 2019 World’s Longest Baseball Game donors, we are one giant step closer. Funds raised from the Baseball Game have been instrumental in allowing the quality testing and manufacturing of PCLX-001 into pills that will be given - for the first time - to cancer patients over the upcoming months. Real people. Right here in Edmonton. But there is still more to do. And we need your help. All funds raised through the 2021 World’s Longest Hockey Game will go entirely towards supporting a clinical study in lymphoma and solid tumor patients who are enrolled in Edmonton. In particular, your funds will cover the cost for the PCLX-001 drug, examinations, patient care, and an ongoing analysis of how well the drug is working. This is crucial in revealing the future this therapy will have in fighting cancer - in saving lives - right here in Edmonton, and around the world. Your support will provide hope to people who would otherwise die of their cancer - despite all the best known treatments - as they will now have a better chance of a cancer-free outcome and more time with their families, friends and loved ones. Please donate to the World’s Longest Hockey Game today to ensure patients in Alberta will be the first in the world to participate in these clinical trials through the Cross Cancer Institute!
Past Events.
Here is photo proof showcasing the fact that accomplishing a Guinness World Record for a World’s Longest Game is GRUELLING but, it’s nothing in comparison to what cancer patients have to go through every single day. So, we dig down, get gritty and make it happen. And, thanks to the tremendous support from countless volunteers, donors and our community we even manage to crack a smile along the way. So, THANK YOU!